Our Mission

New Choices New Minds, Inc. is a nonprofit that provides connections, collaborating, networking, coaching, and training to individuals, families, and communities. Offering resources for the benefit of individuals, families, businesses, and communities.

Our Vision

Through networking, New Choices New Minds connects with people who want to change the community, find the resources they need to do it, and dedicate themselves to improving the lives of people to reach their dreams and goals. To provide information to make smart decisions, build connections, and learn from each other to achieve mission/goal.

Core Values


We see challenges as opportunities and approach them positively with creativity and solution-mindedness.  We seek answers to the unknown and are willing and eager to try new approaches.

Individualized Attention

Everyone we come in contact with is treated with respect and cared by us.  We listen with open minds and set aside our personal beliefs. Valuing people as unique individuals and serving their individual aspirations and needs.


We see challenges as opportunities and approach them positively with creativity and solution-mindedness.  We seek answers to the unknown and are willing and eager to try new approaches.

Individualized Attention

Everyone we come in contact with is treated with respect and cared by us.  We listen with open minds and set aside our personal beliefs. Valuing people as unique individuals and serving their individual aspirations and needs.


We do what we say we will do in a timely manner and with high quality.  We communicate our new direction to each other and to all stakeholders.

Excellence in Stewardship

We responsibly, thoughtfully and ethically manage all of our resources. We strive to ensure that everyone with whom we work receives our messages.


We continuously monitor and evaluate what we are doing to discover what is working and what is not.  We use all our hearts and minds to provide the high quality resources and services deserved by everyone we work with.

Collective Impact

We work as partners with other organizations and with other stakeholders who share mutual goals.  By collaborating to share ideas and resources, we most effectively impact the outcomes we seek to achieve.